Hot line for investors

+7 861 251 77 64

The structure of local government of the Municipal Formation

Maryenko Tatiana Sergeevna

Deputy Chief of the municipal formation Kushchyovskaya district (issues of economic development, financial management, municipal procurements, investments and interaction with small businesses) Phone: +7 86168 5 58 33

Kulikov Sergey Alexandrovich

Chief of the unit of investments and interaction with small business of the Administration of the municipal formation Kushchyovskaya district Phone: +7 86168 5 41 01

Starygina Irina Nikolaevna

Senior specialist of the unit of investments and interaction with small business of the Administration of the municipal formation Kushchyovskaya district (issues of investment development and interaction with small business) Phone: +7 86168 5 43 07

Korovainaya Tatyana Josephovna

Senior specialist of the unit of investments and interaction with small business of the Administration of the municipal formation Kushchyovskaya district (issues of investment development and interaction with small business) Phone: +7 86168 5 43 07

Gavrilova Anastasia Valeryevna

Senior specialist of the unit of investments and interaction with small business of the Administration of the municipal formation Kushchyovskaya district (issues of investment development and interaction with small business) Phone: +7 86168 5 43 07