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Social and Economic Situation in municipal formation

Social and Economic Situation of the Kushchyovskaya District

The Municipal Formation Kushchyovskaya District of the Krasnodar Region is situated in the northern part of the Priazovo-Kubanskaya Plain. It shares borders with the Azov, Kagalnitskaya and Zernograd Districts of the Rostov Region in the north and east, the Starominskaya District in the west, and the Leningradskaya and Krylovskaya Districts of the Krasnodar Region in the south.

Kushchyovskaya Cossack Village with a population of 32 thousand people is an administrative center of the district.

The area of the district is 237.2 thousand hectares that is 3.12% of the total territory of the Krasnodar Region. There are 74 settlements in the territory of the Kushchyovskaya District.

The Municipal Formation Kushchyovskaya District consists of 12 rural settlements with a population of 65.8 thousand people.

The Kushchyovskaya District is the first strategic junction to the direction of the coast of the Azov Sea, the Black Sea, the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia. The main road and railway lines, gas networks and oil pipelines pass through the territory of the district connecting the northern and central regions of Russia with its southern borders.

The distance to the administrative center of the Krasnodar Region – the city of Krasnodar – is 220 km, and to the center of the Southern Federal District – Rostov-on-Don – is 80 km.

The distances to the sea ports are as follows: to Yeisk is 120 km, to Novorossiysk is 350 km, and to Temryuk is 310 km. The nearest airport and the river port are located in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

The favorable geostrategic location of the district contributes to the further comprehensive development of all economy sectors of the Municipal Formation.

The climate is moderately continental. The annual precipitation for the Cossack village of Kushchyovskaya is 508-640 mm. The main amount of precipitation is during the warm period of the year (60-70%). The duration of the frost-free period is up to 180 days. The winter is unstable: the snow cover repeatedly sets and goes down during up to 75% of the winter periods. The summer begins in early May and is dry and hot; the average temperature in July is +30°C, and the maximum temperature in July is +40.4°C.

The soil cover is developed everywhere and represented by powerful low-humus and carbonate black earth. The black earth power reaches 1.2-2.0 m. Quaternary clay loams and clays act as a soil-forming material.

Agro-climatic conditions of the district are favorable for growing zoned agricultural crops and livestock. The climatic conditions don’t cause construction restrictions and don’t make difficulties for the economic development of the territory.

The district is situated in the steppe zone. The relief of the district is flat and billowy, with a negligible slope to the west and north-west. The plain relief pattern of the district and its agro-climatic conditions favorably affect on the development of agriculture, in particular the crop growing. Vast plain territories determine the prospects of the Kushchyovskaya District.

The Kushchyovskaya District belongs to the districts with low environmental stress.

Agriculture is a main branch of the Municipal Formation Kushchyovskaya District. There are 13 large and medium-sized enterprises, 40 small agricultural enterprises and 333 peasant farms that produce grains, industrial crops, vegetables, meat, milk, eggs, wool and other agricultural products in the territory of the district.

The area of agricultural lands amount to 197.5 thousand hectares, of which arable lands amount to 191.9 thousand hectares, 43% of which relates to a particularly valuable productive lands. About 40 crops are cultivated on fields. Leading sorts of crops are wheat (34% of the field area), corn (27%), sunflower (25.6%) and barley (more than 5%).

The bulk of industrial output falls on manufacturing.

The largest enterprises located across the territory of the district are: LLC “DVV-Agro”, LLC research & production institution “Fame of Kuban”, OJSC “Grain state farm “Kushevskaya”, LLC landscape enterprise “Genofund”, LLC “Impulse”, LLC “NovoPlast-South”, LLC “Kuban factory “Comus-Packaging”, OJSC “The 163d armoured repair plant), LLC “Martin”, LLC “Amico” Kushevskaya branch, LLC “Kushevskaya Plant of construction materials”, which build up the production and develop new types of products from year to year.